Wednesday, January 21, 2015


A selfie of me awaiting CLR to arrive at the hotel.  

The kiddos - and they smiled.  Also, in my opinion - note the orb and the two lines - one for each kiddo - thats their guardian angel.  

Then off to take images of Spencely Court (the Raczs'), Baleberry (the Fellmans).  A great surprise for me when I showed CLR my dad in the wall and found out that Mary, Bill and her grandparents were across the street. I now have someone else to visit - dear Mary - one of the nicest people you could ever meet and Bill - a great dad who used to like to disgust me by eating raw bacon.  Then off to Westmount Park. (lots of parties there with Andrea)  A quick visit to moms. 
The last place we went to get images before dinner was Feltham. (Raczs'). The best thing about visiting all the old homesteads was.... for the most part they looked exactly the same.  That warmed the cockles of our hearts.  It was now getting dark and both of us DO NOT LIKE DRIVING at night so we made our way to Perkins which was closer to the hotel.  We both chose the pot roast with mashed potatoes and corn from the OVER 55 menu which CLR is pointing to.
Cheers Bud - its now my turn - I know that - miracles do happen and once the furnace, central air, etc. etc. are done (were old now and things need to be finished for old age) ........ Cheers back at cha.

1 comment:

clr said...

And Cheers to you too Bud. So great to see you. Will be home again by 10:30 tonight. Was a great trip.