Ever since adam was in Grade 9 we have had the recroom filled with his friends. We got a pingpong table which is now used for Poker), fooze ball table, punching bag, computer, tv with playstation and X-Box, Bowflex workout machine, fridge and microwave. THE PLACE BECAME A REAL WRECK ROOM so this year we are fixing it all up and I am pretty excited about this - Here are pics of soon to come new chesterfield which will have a thin navyblue and white stripe cover, a white L-shape desk and low white credenza for TV all from IKEA. (Adam is now at George Brown College down by the St. Lawrence Market taking business for 3 years and then hopefully a couple of years at Ryerson.) Guess they will all be hanging out for a little while longer - OH MY NERVES. The other day there were so many of them out on our little back porch that there was no room for Adam, I mentioned that to him and he immediately locked the screen door and went downstairs - then they all tryed to get in and I told them that they did not even leave a seat for my BABY BOY and they all proceeded to yell HELL NO - WE WONT GO - LOL.
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