Good time to post this - Winter stuff and SOUPS ON - In the 60's Jan and I would go downtown - from Suburbia we would get eventually (dont ask me how we did this but Jan might remember) to the Jane Loop at Jane and Bloor and take the streetcar (yes there was a streetcar then) that would take us down Bloor to Yonge and then we would go south on the old Red Subway on Yonge to Frans Restaurant to have RICE PUDDING - Thanks CLR for the original Frans (notable for this) recipe and if anyone who is reading this posts in my comments with email I will send you this most famous recipe which CLR sent me which her mom cut out in the - well - it could be late 60's or early 70's Toronto Star - Anyway, this is an old posting from Frans of SOUPS ON - not sure of the date - for more interesting things of Toronto see http://torontoist.com/ He's got stacks of stuff and on Saturdays post THE PAST. Check him out.
hiya! I was just wondering if you were the one who left a msg on my blogs? If not feel free too!
Hi Krissy - I posted one on Count Your Blessings and my friend posted another - Blessings - I went to your blog but cannot figure out how to post in comments so am hoping you will see this post on my blog.
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