Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Nearing the corner of Parliament and Carlton is a Java spot. Saw this on www.torontoist.com (thanks - view you everyday) and just had to take a look myself. It appears that they are still in the process of adding to this piece of TDOT art. As J.T. and I headed back to the Creek (very edge of this big city) we saw tons more stuff to take pics of - some extravagant (that would be the most amazing Islington Village murals) and some just small and sweet. We are luvin the street art in our city. Nevertheless, there are still things that I do not consider art yet defilement. Good that Adam Vaughn is looking into this. (i.e. someone in our neck of the woods has a passion for Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - so there is LSD written everywhere - that to me is stupid and not art).

Drove A.T. to school today and headed up to Regent Park. Regent Park is getting a makeover but before that happens an artist took pics of people who lived in the community and enlarged them onto the walls. Must have been last year cause what we saw - generally speaking - was the pics falling apart - but we did get a few that we were able to capture - There was one more that I really wanted to take but with the traffic along Gerrard we had to let it go - It was indeed a more or less prophetic pic as it was a young boy with a basketball shirt on with the number 9 - 9 means - It is Finished. When we got into the centre of Regent Park the bulldozers were already demolishing some of the buildings. Hats off to the artist who did this and all the best to the Regent Park community, holding hands, making it strong, part of Toronto - It will never end. Thank You Regent Park for your patience in this reno. May you have true new beginnings indeed.

Sunday, March 29, 2009
Aunt Marys Place - Victoria Harbour
Aunt Marys Place - Victoria Harbour - Quilt
Today we drove mom up to Aunt Marys place in Victoria Harbour. My cousin Cathy makes amazing quilts. Cathy made the one on Marys bed of Volkswagons cause Mary loves her BUG. Inside the front window of each Bug is something written about Mary. i.e. patient etc. Very amazing quilt. The Tea Cup Wallhanging has all the names of the Quinn family noted inside the steam coming up from the cup - Carl, Mary, Gary, Brian, Cathy, Michael, Steven, Sue and Carol.

Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Dear Friend
Went to PET Stuff yesterday and Audrey came in. She sure is looking great. The hat is super BLING on her. Audrey was really excited about something happening in her community. Her church has an OUT OF THE COLD meal every week to feed the poor and she invited a minister from another church to come for one of the dinners. Turns out, his church is going to consider getting an OUT OF THE COLD as well. Now thats what I call THE REAL CHURCH. Blessings on this venture.
Introducing THE O′BRIENS - scroll down to bottom to turn off music to view and hear utubes.
These are utubes of my friends parents and grandchildren. Pretty good fiddling and too cute little Sara telling a joke.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Monday, March 16, 2009
Great to see the Warrens
Went to moms today to see the Warrens who lived next door to us. Paul collects Fire Fighter stuff and has a room in their home dedicated for his hobby. I really liked their license plate. Will be keeping my eye out for stuff for them and have also asked Uncle Bruce to keep his eye out too. Great to see you again Paul, Carolyn and Nicole.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Dont forget to scroll down to the bottom of page to turn off the music to hear the St.Pats fun.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
REFIREMENT FIRST DAY PICS (its not a spelling mistake - LOL)
Just a few to post. AT had to be at school at 8 a.m. - We heard him up at 6 a.m. - we jumped up out of bed - and took AT to Claudias for a TO GO breaky and then picked up his buddy A.D. and took a drive downtown - What alot of traffic even at 7 a.m. - After dropping them off, we went to St. Lawrence market and got some back bacon and then went to Royal York Plaza Open Window bakery for their most amazing Kielbosa and then picked up a few more things from No Frills and then cooked up a storm and put on movies. Ready To Wear is a hoot (a fashion industry movie with tons of stars) and then the one that I really liked, actually a true story - Bride of the Wind - A story about the bohemian artists and the conductors and poets from 1906 Vienna - Gustav Klimt - my fav artist was in this movie. Actually, Jimmy thought it was boring but after it there I was googling the names of the actual artists who were portrayed in the true to life movie. Well that was our first day. It is truly amazing that we are as old as we are - Time has slipped by so fast. We bought a booklet to make a diary from refirement day onwards as well with the pics that we take each day. Life is very good and all the b*lls*hit that we have had to endure is truly worth it when you get older - GO FIGURE!
I posted a ticker that would count down the days till my husbands retirement. How you do that is you pic the bar (mine was a train track) then you pic a pointer (for jokes I picked a hammer) and then you post the count down date. Well, being a railroader wife there is no chance in h*ll that you can predict anything including the date of JT retirement. Thing is, JT was not able to retire on the date expected (such goes the railway). He did have one more trip to go yet thanks to the union rep - he was able to cancel that and start his retirement on Tuesday, March 3, 2009 as they had cancelled all the day trains (dont ask it all gets too complicated - something that I have lived with for years). Anyway, the interesting thing was when I opened up our blog on Tuesday, the ticker said TODAY IS JIMMY RETIREMENT. Go figure eh - the ticker knew more than we did. Yippppeeeeeeeee!!!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Pics of our Guys
JT is RETIRED - thanks for all the emails - friends who responded - It was an interesting week - more or less - it ended up with tons of emails and phone calls - Nothing much new to post - Will get back as this retirement thing gets JIGGY - Just want to share with you the pics of all kidz - LUCILLE, BUBBAH, BUCKWHEAT, BABE, LENNOX AND CHEVALIER.
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