Wednesday, May 27, 2009


YA KNOW YA WANT IT! - For alot of us it has been a very long winter. Today, it is raining in TDOT. Tomorrow is raining in TDOT. I managed within the rain to go out to garden. That is really all I want to do right now. Even though it is not truly summer I am putting out a summer tune for all to enjoy. With a little YADA, DADA, YADA, YO!

1 comment:

jb said...

Bb found he could work in the rain too because the black flies don't like getting wet and the mosquitos even back off so our bumpy front yard has grass and is nearly dandelion free, Jntt came with her lawnmoyer when Bb and Dv went to the Restore to drop "stuff" off. I'm starting to see the benefits of those places. Found a beautiful wicker set 2 chairs puffy cushions and a round table, we may still have a beautiful high-back wicker arm chair in the basement at the cottage. Possibilities, possibilities, dreams starting to come true!