Last year I put Mr. Buck into a photo contest for one of the local newspapers and he won - take a look at those eyes - none of the other cats have those green eyes:
He had a couple of strokes this year but maintained quite well until September when he lost a tooth:
He reluctantly celebrated Chevaliers Birthday:
He loved to sleep with us on our bed still looking ok!:
In the middle of November I was able to get a pic of all our animals in the bedroom - that is Mr. Buck looking at us at the end of the bed and still ok!
Mr. Bucks fav spot was on the back of the chesterfield. It still has a dint today where he used to sit - This pic was just last week so weak and frail:
Two nights ago I sat up with him - thinking this would be it. I held him in my arms and put on Christmas music and rocked him. When I let him down he walked over to the cat house that sits under our T.V. to rest:
That was the last pic of our Buck - Yesterday, Jim and I got mom's place set up for Christmas and got her presents wrapped in the early afternoon. We got back to our place around 1:30 P.M. and found Buck sitting - in the bathroom - slowly breathing - Jim swaddled him in the burgundy towel you can see in a pic and rocked him for the rest of the day. At 7:30 P.M. Jim who was in the livingroom came to me - I was resting in the bedroom and told me that Mr. Buck was gone. I wrapped him in the burgundy towel and buried him.
Animal Stories:
Yesterday morning his brother Bubbah saw him in the bathroom slowly expiring and went back into our bedroom and thru up. His mother Lucille has for the past 3 nights woke us up in the middle of the night crying to get out at 3 in the morning - almost a screech like sound - even A.T. got up to find up what up. After Buck died Babe was sitting in the living room with Jim and I and started to pant, shake and howl.
Yep, Pets are responsive and feeling and caring - and maybe they are responding to our feelings about a pet dying but still they are amazing and do respond to the death of one of their own. As I am writing this - all the pets are in the livingroom. Somehow, I know they know.
We love our pets and have buried 2 other Tuxedos - Bunny in 1991 and Minnie in 2002 thereabouts. We always plant something in memory of them. Bunny is under a Rose of Sharon and Minnie is under a Princess Spirea. Buck was not a birder but loved to chase butterflys so in the Spring 2010 will get 3 Butterfly Bushes for his spot.
Here is his memorandum:
Pet Lovers - Tonight, Bubbah is resting under my feet, Lucille is resting on the chesterfield while Babe snores away and Chevalier huddles up with the gang on the chesterfield (the little one) and awaits for me to leave the computer (always alert to where I go) - Lennox is sitting at the foot of Jim's head on the bed! Ya gotta love pets eh!
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