WOW - the earth groaning - earthquakes and volcanoes AND well LIFE GOES ON - We had a quiet Easter with just US - I Went up to my fav nursery to get started with the seeds. New things are happening in our garden. I am going to become moreso a Rose gardener.
This is THE BLUE LADY one of the most fragrant of all roses. She will be planted at the back of our vegie garden beside the BONICA - stay tuned for pics of this in August. But for now - for those of you that have lost their sense of smell - EAT ZINC!

This is the JACOBS COAT - filled with colour and a climber. This one will go on the other side of the Pussywillow (whose mate on the right side is the CANADA DAY ROSE). Stay tuned for August to see how this one climbs on the back fence

Here is the dream that will be planted under growlights in the workroom- On the far right side all by itself is a new mix of double cosmos. At the top from left to right is - a smaller but still great pumpkin which I have made room for - up to 200 lbs; Autumn Beauty Sunflowers; 3' high Canary Yellow Zinnia; Lilliput Zinnia (the more you cut them for flower arrangements the more they will grow); Ornamental Blue Corn; mixed colour Morning Glories; MOON Flower to be planted with the mixed Morning Glories - The MOON flower comes out at night (6" across) and closes in the morning and is very fragrant; and Thumbelina Zinnias. I got all my peat pots and seed starting mix yesterday and this week will get them going. I am a person of MAY 24th - nothing out until May 24th - no matter what - CLR - the snow will be gone soon BUT WHO CARES soon you will be in Greece and then Italy - JOY! friend!