Reiterating - On Thursday, September 2, we went to Rons funeral. Very beautiful church service, very touching and then an even more touching service at the graveyard with the Irish Pipes and an Uncle from Ireland singing in Gaelic and then back to fellowship at Rons mom place. I got to take tons of pics of the art that Ron did on the walls of that home. Had a moment with Rons wife Nadia who told me that Ron wanted to call their girl (Nadia is 6 months pregnant) Veronica and hopefully people will call her Ronnie after her dad. I stuggled with words of condolences and Nadia just looked at me with those big brown eyes and just shrugged!
A week later on Thursday, September 9th, we had a tragic accident happen. Our neighbour ran over our ole Bubbah (16) who was sitting at the end of the driveway. In one hour he was dead and buried. While when Mr. Buck died and I had a ton of pics and stuff for him last December on this blog - I have chosen not to post to this blog. I have been so sad. Jim and I went out after the buriel and drove and went shopping for food and Jim bought me a new pair of slacks and I just kept thinking of Nadia shrugging and I too just shrugged and had heart palpitations of this suddenly - two things - one more important which is a human life and then our Bubbah. I still avoid my neighbour but not out of anger - just sadness. I know for sure that she is sad too! Heck, I even hate to run over a squirrel. Sheesh, just have to forgive and get on with it folks. Gotta keep the peace on this shared driveway! Anyway, time heals, and will be back soon with more Metro Retro.
Nevertheless, I will post one last pic. The night before, J.T. and I looked into the bedroom at 10:30 P.M. and there they all were on the bed together. Glad I took one more pic of all our 5 pets at that time. Now it is as the song goes from Crosby, Stills and Nash (one of my favourite ole time groups):
Our house is a very, very, very fine house with 2 cats (Lucille and Lennox) in the yard! So be it!