JULY 2012: temperature 12°C (1°C below avg.); precipitation 60mm (avg.); Jul 1-3: Scattered showers, cool; Jul 4-9: A few showers, warm; Jul 10-16: Scattered showers, seasonable; Jul 17-22: Rainy periods, cool; Jul 23-31: Scattered showers, seasonable.
AUGUST 2012: temperature 12.5°C (0.5°C above avg.); precipitation 45mm (20mm above avg. north, 20mm below avg. south); Aug 1-8: Scattered showers, seasonable; Aug 9-13: Sunny, warm; Aug 14-21: Scattered showers, seasonable; Aug 22-23: Sunny, warm; Aug 24-27: Rainy periods, warm; Aug 28-31: A few showers, seasonable.
Annual Weather Summary: November 2011 to October 2012
Temperatures in the winter season will be much colder than normal: 4¡C below normal, on average. The coldest periods will be in mid- and late November, early December, early to mid-January, mid- to late January, mid-February, and early March. Precipitation and snowfall will be greater than normal, with the snowiest periods in November, early and mid-December, early February, and early March.
April and May will be colder than normal, on average, with below-normal precipitation and near-normal snowfall.
Summer season temperatures will be near or slightly below normal, on average, with the hottest periods in mid-June, early to mid-July, and early to mid-August. Rainfall will be above normal in the north and below normal in the south.
September and October temperatures will be slightly above normal, with below-normal precipitation and snowfall, despite heavy snow in late October.
Here is a happy song for you today.
...AND some Larson funnies

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