Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Last weeks heat was OPPRESSIVE.  It started on Monday and ended on Sunday - They called it A HEAT WAVE!  I was NOT prepared and went out every morning to garden and water.  At the beginning of the week, I was poised in BUSINESS AS USUAL but by the end of the week, my mind was in an UGH mode.  AND I MEAN UGH, oppression, depression, suppression - all the sion's were manifesting.   As were my impatiens which I threw out BUT, Abundant Life Fellowship had a ton of flowers for cheap in their back parking lot.  One lone saint was sitting under a canopy and stated to just pick what I wanted and put the money into a slot up the side stairs without even adding everything up - he was too in an UGH mode.  I replaced all the Impatiens (which I WILL NEVER BUY AGAIN) with amazing Begonias and Wave Petunias and got a very different planter wave (deep purple and yellow) for the picnic area.  Mah poor widdle tomatoes (as were my neighbours) yelped to be out of the intense heat and sun.  I consoled them with more Miracle Grow and refused to take some out who seemed to have succumbed to the oppression.  The zinnias smiled at me and said "NO PROBS, we can do this, as did the geraniums and the marigolds.  July 8th Tdot Flood had the soil all looking like a day at the beach (cause we are all sand here) and in August will start to get some more soil and peat to sprinkle down.  Today, the weather is again up to 29 C - I got up early and weeded and manicured half of the garden and will do the other half tomorrow.  AND, with the cooler temp (not 46 C) the widdle tomatoes are reviving.  MIRACLE GROW, MIRACLE GROW, MIRACLE GROW!  Soooooooooo, what have I learned from this horrid heat wave.  Well, since every year it seems that it keeps getting longer and longer, I will be more vigilant to observe its coming and build a protective cover for the tomatoes, start out the corn and sunflowers with chicken wire (I forgot to tell you that I planted corn and sunflowers 3 times as the crows and robyns annilated it) and then lift the wire when they are growing well, NEVER buy Impatiens (diminutive name IMPS - should have known), have soil and peat already down before I plant and plan NOT TO GARDEN but just Miracle Grow and H20 early and then get the heck inside into the cool air conditioned home and REST, READ and have CROCK POTS going (it was even to hot to want to barbeque).  As for the grids overloading and having rolling blackouts in the heat, I will have a box ready with battery operated lights ready and tea lights/lanterns, battery operated radio , full tank of gas, and the freezer filled to the max.  Since we are up on a hill and sandy, I do not consider a flood BUT just in case over the winter I am going to lift up things off the ground in the recroom, laundry room and sewing room and keep purging because WHO KNOWS, THE DOWNPOURS ARE BRUTAL NOW AND  HEAT WAVES ARE NOT BUSINESS AS USUAL.

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