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Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Joshua says - Hey, Caleb - found someone for you - will mail next week.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008
My friend who just moved up north gave me some beautiful stained glass hangers that her Pastor made - Hey Bean - Notice all the darkness outside the light - Its always darkest before the dawn - Know you are having a great time with KIDS - Don't forget that the 4th watch - 3 a.m. to 6 a.m. is our breakthrough.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Our Christmas was different this year. Mom shared herself and went to Cams for Christmas - Christmas eve was spent having a cheese fondue called Racklett (sp.) - They all opened presents around 10 am (cause she is just like a kid) and she loved the Royal Doulton Cinderella and Prince Charming that we got her and the miniature Royal Doulton that Adam gave her (she has the bigger one of the same Royal Doulton and the smaller one now sits beside the bigger one - from Aunt Jean who passed away this year). Mom was a little beside herself having to break TRADITION yet it was a most wonderful Christmas with Cam, Dave, Lara and John, Margo, Gregory, Melissa and Paul. AS FOR US - IT WAS AWESOME - we went out on December 24th to Brandts to get our Turkey Breast and Pork Tenderloin - Headed to THE BRICK - LEFT THE BRICK - HEADED TO FUTURE SHOP - LEFT FUTURE SHOP and landed at BEST BUY - GOT FAVOUR - Picked up a SWEET HD/LCD 40 inch screen SAMSUNG FLAT SCREEN TV and SWEET stand and got the best deal ever. Even today as I write this - the Boxing Day sale was 150 bucks more than what we got FAVOUR for. The stand was not in stock so they perked us up with a major SURGE SYSTEM - As you can imagine it was a Christmas Eve PARTEEEEEEEEEEE as the TV was set up to play games etc. The last of Adams pals left at 4 A.M. - I got up early - as Jimmy was IN REST - LOL - And got most of the meal ready - Jim and AT got up at 1 P.M. and we opened our presents - and then continued on to make the meal - It was a most wonderful relaxing Christmas - Today, we got the HD Digital set up with Rogers, the stand is still to be delivered (will put a pic on soon) and - oh my goodness - will I never learn - The internet went down at 2 P.M. and all I had to do was take the elec out and then put back in after 3 seconds. ALL IS WELL AT 9 THAMES. YET - the thing that really got me was when me BRO CAM gave me 5 Lillies - These Lillies are soooooooooooooo beautiful and the aroma is most amazing - They just today all bloomed and just absolutely love them. Its the first time I have ever received flowers for Christmas.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Does one think of BILLY IDOL when you see this pic of our boy/man - Well actually there are very few people that can do that lip - Billy Idol is one and Jimmy is one and Jeff is one and Adam is one. OUTLOOK - As Billy says in his song WHITE WEDDING - no matter what up and what comes his way HE WILL - START AGAAAAAAIIIIIINNNNNNNNN.
BOYZ OF CHRISTMAS SAM - Sam always and I mean always challenges you - At times I want to knock his block off but then I realize that he is A CHALLENGER - Sam just finished a stint with working for WORLD VISION - and is now like Stewie, Brettster and Samster back at school to UPGRADE and get credits missed - SAM YOUR OUTLOOK IS - Make people TWINK and RETHINK - You will be and always will be a blessing to our home.
Jimmys Favourite 2008 Christmas Song
John Berry singing Oh Holy Night (dont forget to scroll down to bottom of page and turn off the player to hear the song)
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
......BUT CHRISTMAS IS GREAT - "Ever since it got coooooold out - I have been out of commission - Sleeeeping in Jim and Marilyns bed - never leaving - And those bad raccoons - who scratched me - and caused Mom to be concerned - LEAVE THE LITTER BOX handy cause I WILL NEVER AND I MEAN NEVER ENCOUNTER THOSE BAD ASS---S again. - I just will NOT GO OUTSIDE AGAIN.
Thursday, December 4, 2008

COALITION starts with 'C' - and CHRISTMAS starts with 'C' and what else starts with C - well, CAROL starts with 'C' and COOKIES start with 'C' - To start off Decembers blog I am showcasing CAROLS CHRISTMAS COOKIES - now arnt those better 'C' words than the 'c' word COALITION - LOL ****** Take a good look at these pics and notice all the work that went into making these wonderful treats. Click on them to make them bigger and may your mouth water. CLR as usual you excell in the business of baking. Fabulous and mouthwatering. I just gained 5 pounds looking at them. (***In Memory of Andrea***)
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Love Me Tender
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Two SYLLABLE names are easier to work with in obedience puppy training. This is an interesting concept. Why do animals respond with 2 sylablles as opposed to one or even three - this is what my cousin MARILYN found out about animal obedience - That a 2 syllable name responds in obedience better than ONE OR THREE SYLLABLE names - I would really like Marilyn to give me the whole cunundrum of this idea because I think it does have a supernatural significance - Looking forward to the idea of this and will post soon. Here is a pic of Kadi and Kali - two syllable names.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Dont forget to turn off the player at the bottom of the page to view the many utubes that are posted on this blog
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Some pics of Willie Nelson Thanksgiving Day Party
A friend of my son gave me extra speakers for my computer and it really does PUMP IT UP - You can get extra speakers to add to your computer for real cheap - Get them to really hear tunes. Thanks Stewie again for the speakers.

My friend dotmot got laying hens (ok they are chickens) this year so as they have fresh eggs. This is not the first time I have seen me bud with chickens - Back then in the 80s she lived in a little house just by the ferry that takes you over to Vancouver and was the only one I knew who had fresh brown eggs . Ya want to know what I really think - I think she is just like me - One Husband, One Son, 2 dogs and 4 black and white cats - Keeps us busy - Actually, we love life and the more we add to our life - keeps us busy with life and WE JUST ARE LUVIN IT. Well, havin chickens does have its drawbacks and one for dotmot is that darn Hawk who keeps hoverin over them thar chickens. YET, there is one force to contend with for that hawk and that is JACK THE CAT - do ya hear me now - ITS JACK THAT CAT. This pic is so amazing as he is the WATCHER OF THEM THAR CHICKENS - see the hawk hoverin - NO MESSIN WITH JACK THE CAT.
Monday, November 10, 2008
The 6 Phases of Work
Somebody on UTUBE created their rendition of the 6 phases of work - and a little kitten shall lead them - Its not the best but its pretty funny. If you just want to see without music just google - The 6 phases of work and it is all over the web to see it better - Nevertheless hats off to the utuber who did this. -
Friday, October 31, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Baltic Sea Birthday
Hope you had a wonderful birthday Tanya. When you get some time, send a few pics of birthday on the Baltic. Must have been marvelous.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Here are a few pics that my neice just put on on her facebook - I am just sooooooooo into the fact how she has taken the camera TO ANOTHER LEVEL (they say that on Mad TV) - These pics are just so awesome. Hope you all enjoy and hope our lover of horses and her husband does not mind - BUT REALLY JEN - these pics are just tooooooooooooo much. Cheers to your photo-magique and many more to come - P.S. - The black and white one should be made into a print to sell.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Again - Thanks Cuz

Here is a pic of my soon new digital camera coming fully loaded - a gift from CUZ - In the meantime, I will continue to take pics with the old Minolta which I got with my Air Miles about 5 years ago. This weekend is the annual October party at Irma Verlas - Its a Willie Nelson themed party - Will have pics of that. Walter is our guest. Hope you all are enjoying the Fall - my favourite time of the year.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Havnt tried this yet but it looks like a blast. I absolutely go into KANIPTIONS when after hard boiling eggs, the shell wont come off and the egg looks a mess - Not good when your making deviled eggs.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Fourth annual Short Film Online Competition - Cannes 2008. The NFB, in association with the Cannes Short Film Corner and partner YouTube, is proud to announce that the winner of the NFB Online Competition Cannes 2008 is Alonso Alvarez Barreda for his short film Historia de un Letrero (The Story of a Sign) produced in Mexico/U.S.

Today, I thought I would try to find Naomi Theunissen by googling her name - Guess what, I found her on facebook but had to join and much to my surprise Naomi, Rosa and Jenny wanted to be my FRIEND. So I am now officially back on facebook - When I went to Rosa s facebook I saw this pic of us last year on All Hallows Eve and I STOLE IT FOR MY BLOG. Rosa had written ---running shoe type of athlete and primped candy-floss sandal slipper kind of girl!!!!!!---By the way Rosa, Jimmy enjoyed coffee the other day - He thinks that you are quicker and smarter than the average bear. Lets face it - He luvs ya.
Monday, September 15, 2008
Well these are all the pics that I had done on a disk at Blacks - Will be back with more pics in a few weeks. Dont forget to click OLDER POSTS at bottom in case some of the new pics ended up on other page. Thanks DRAE for getting me started on this as this is the first time I have done pics from a disk. By the way, the manager at Blacks was trying to sell me a digital (I still use old fashioned camera) cause they are so cheap these days but I told him I needed a Mattress more. He laughed. Oh - and I really have to do something about that date thing that shows up on my pics. Its like I am living in 1999. (mmm 9 years ago, pre-menopause - dont want to go thru that again - very much thinner - sure would like to fit into all those size 12-14 that sit under my bed - Adam would have been 10 - no - I do not want to go thru teenager years again)

Ever since adam was in Grade 9 we have had the recroom filled with his friends. We got a pingpong table which is now used for Poker), fooze ball table, punching bag, computer, tv with playstation and X-Box, Bowflex workout machine, fridge and microwave. THE PLACE BECAME A REAL WRECK ROOM so this year we are fixing it all up and I am pretty excited about this - Here are pics of soon to come new chesterfield which will have a thin navyblue and white stripe cover, a white L-shape desk and low white credenza for TV all from IKEA. (Adam is now at George Brown College down by the St. Lawrence Market taking business for 3 years and then hopefully a couple of years at Ryerson.) Guess they will all be hanging out for a little while longer - OH MY NERVES. The other day there were so many of them out on our little back porch that there was no room for Adam, I mentioned that to him and he immediately locked the screen door and went downstairs - then they all tryed to get in and I told them that they did not even leave a seat for my BABY BOY and they all proceeded to yell HELL NO - WE WONT GO - LOL.

Here is a picture of my nephew Kyle, his wife Ari and their little one Lorne at his baptism. Lorne was named after my dad and much to our surprise his middle name is also a B. (Brandon) like my dads whose full name was Lorne Benhardt Fellman. This little one is going places. I also send congradulations to Kyle, Ari and Lorne on their new arrival in April or May of 2009.
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