We have 4 cats - Lucy (15), Bubbah (14), Buckwheat (13) and little Lennox(5) and two dogs - one is a Shia Poo (12) and the other is an imperial minature shia szu (sp.?) and is 2 years old. This winter is the first winter that I had to get the litter for the Catz cleaned out at least every 3 days as they hate the cold and the dogs go out back - pee/poo and are scratching at the door at least 1 minute after going out into the cold damp Toronto winter (and yes the puppies do get their walk). It gets a little wild here with all the pets. Lucy - the eldest has now taken to terrorizing the little dog - Chevalier and I will wake up from a deep sleep with him crying as she has him in a corner not allowing him to move - It is sometimes crazy in here as all the animals are chasing each other - growling, howling and hissing - Such is life. I get an email everyday from LOLDogs and these two are what is going on here these days. Particularly with Chevalier and Lucy.
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