Getting older really isn't all that bad. It just means that what I used to be able to accomplish in one day has slowed down and well - I just putter these days. More relaxed! Today I finished the raking out front and pulled out around 30 dandelions and then I went out to peruse the backyard to see what I will do tomorrow. I never know what to expect in the vegie garden and this year there are at least 25 Forget-Me-Nots coming up. The latin name is Myosotis which means "Mouse Ear" - One legend from Germany is: God named all the plants when a tiny unnamed one cried out, "Forget-me-not, O Lord!" God replied, "That shall be your name." Anyway, they can't stay there and will be transplanted around the soon to be planted Butterfly Bush (very fragrant) on top of where Mr. Buck is buried. This is by the entrance at the left back entrance to our Secret Place. Stay tuned for Adams request. A push-up bar in the entrance to the Secret Place.

1907 Postcard of Forget-Me-Not
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