Sunday, April 6, 2014


We had a visitor last weekend who was travelling back home to Gaspe from Iowa.  We had not seen each other in over 30 years.  There was only 2 days to cram it all in - 2nd hand stores, antique stores and Kensington Market.  It was great to see Nancy and hope to do so again either when she comes back thru this way in the Fall and a visit out to beautiful Gaspe one day.  I could not believe my eyes when I saw the purse in COURAGE MY LOVE in Kensington which was the same one that I just loved back around 1972 (top purse).  They wanted 80 buckeroos for it.  I went back down yesterday and he was willing to go down 10 dollars.  I am thinking about it.  It also was a surprise when we went thru High Park to see one of the old chestnut vendors their OOOOPS I MEAN THERE - lol - but no candy apples.  I really want an old trailor  - OOOPS I MEAN TRAILER - to fix up for our backyard.  I know where one is - just sittin their OOOOPS I MEAN THERE - and belonged to a friend that is no longer with us.  Albeit, her son now lives in her home.  When we decide to rebuild the fence into the backyard, I will approach him about selling it.  Its PERFECT as a fixer upper.


Nancy said...

Great photos! I really enjoyed my visit with you and looking forward to the next time:))

clr said...

you did very well with your "there/their" corrections! Keep up the good work!