Sunday, July 28, 2013


Thought I would post some update pics of our garden etal.  Jim made a delicious chicken, sausage stew.  Chevy got his Mohawk and our going on 18 Shia Tzu Poo got rid of his mustache.  I have not been able to rest and swing  on the swing in the picnic area due to the heat but SOOOOOON - Got one fuschia 2.5 ft. BEE BALM but still have not planted in the south garden as I am on a quest to get 2 BLUE bee balm and then plant.  In behind the bee balm is a PERENNIAL sunflower from Europe which a neighbour gave me.  They bloom in middle August.  It is now 5.3 ft. tall.  The morning glories on the shed have been slow.  In about 2 weeks they will cover the shed.  In beside the shed under the blue tarp are 5 snowboys and 1 Santa awaiting winter.  My friend just got me another SNOW BOY.  He did not make it under the blue tarp but he is safe from the sun and happily looks out at the garden.  The zinnias beside the shed are just starting to show off.  The freakin heat did a number on my tomatoes.  YET, today, even though this one suffered, I took a tomatoe and made a sandwich and it was the best tomatoe I have had in quite a while.  Their are still some that survived and thank you MIRACLE GROW.  After having planted corn and sunflowers 3 times (due to the fact that the freaking birds ate them) on the third try I covered them with chicken wire and today I have a whole row of sunflowers and 5 rows of corn.  The south garden zinnias are very showy right now and if you can see them - their are 5 flamingoes which apparently are called A PAT OF FLAMINGOES.  Finally we can rest in the Secret Place.  I have a new name for the SEASON which we call SUMMER.  Summer in TDOT is now like so many other DIVA'S which I have now named THE DRAMA QUEEN - extreme heat, hail, floods etc. etc. AUTUMN you are so humble.  Click on pics to see larger and scroll thru.

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