Thursday, February 19, 2015


The word Goulash comes from the Hungarian word Gulyás pronounced almost the same only with no L, which is a word for a Hungarian Herdsman/Sheppard or Cowboy.  The origin of the soup...can be traced back to the ninth century--shepherds cut their meat into cubes, cooked it with onion in a heavy iron kettle (bogracs) and slowly stewed the dish until all the liquid evaporated. They dried the remnants in the sun (probably on their sheepskin capes), and then put the dried food in a bag made of the sheep's stomach. Whenever they wanted food, they took out a piece of the fired meat, added some water and reheated it. With a lot of liquid, it became a gulyas soup...if less liquid was added, it became culyas meat.

Herdsmen making Goulash

Here is a recipe from a Hungarian woman from Waterloo

1 comment:

clr said...

Here is a recipe from Viking River Cruises. I can attest to the fact that their meals are absolutely delicious. I haven't tried this yet but will for sure

This may not come up as a link. Just google Viking River Cruises recipes goulash and you'll find it